Spherion is putting its stake in 2021 -- claiming the year as a moment in time that stands to leave lasting marks on the company, its offices across the country and the clients, workforce and job seekers it supports each day. 

The U.S. leader in staffing and recruiting is making two big moves to kick off the year, rallying the nation under the purpose-driven ideal, “Let’s Get to Work”. 

One of the pillars of Spherion’s notable entry into the new year will be the reveal of its refreshed, striking new company identity later this month. Driving this change is the company’s successful growth into new markets, aggressively expanding to meet the increasing needs of client companies and the emergent workforce across the country. As a result, Spherion is investing in its business to spread a fresh message nationwide. The branding overhaul is complete with a reimagined logo, featuring interlocking waypoint-shaped icons – a representation of the company’s deep roots in the local communities it serves. Updated branding reinforces the tight bonds Spherion builds with job seekers and employers, as well as between the corporate franchisor office and its franchisees. The company will reveal this dynamic new look as both a nod to the future and a tribute to its 75th anniversary this year, for which it is planning an early-spring multi-layered national promotion. 

“Our look is getting a refresh, but our DNA is staying the same. Spherion will remain the hard-working, locally focused staffing and recruiting team our communities have grown to know and trust,” said Rebecca Rogers-Tijerino, President of Spherion Staffing. “We will forever be committed to supporting job seekers with opportunities to develop their careers and to being that strategic partner to businesses within our communities. This is also another indication of the pledge our corporate team has made to work hand-in-hand with our franchise owners, instilling a strong sense of camaraderie. We are proud to introduce a brand that reflects our true identity and we know our candidates, clients, and colleagues will feel the same.” 

As Spherion accelerates its brand identity and continues to engage the diverse communities it calls home, it is preparing to give a lift to our local workforce unlike any other effort prior in the rich history of the staffing and recruiting industry. 

Earlier this month, on Wednesday, January 27, Spherion and its more than 200 offices hosted the 2021 Spherion Let’s Get to Work National Job Fair. Open for the public to attend, thousands of jobs were available to be filled. Ranging from light manufacturing and skilled trades to office administrative positions and many others, the Job Fair offered attendees the opportunity to join online and easily identify openings in their local markets. During online interactions with local-market Spherion offices, job seekers gained insight from staffing and recruiting professionals on the job application process, honed their interviewing skills, advanced resume writing and learned details about openings in their local market. As a result, businesses across the country will see a surge in talented, hardworking applicants who are ready to get to work. 

“This is an exciting endeavor that reinforces our ideals: We are local; We are resourceful; We are engaged; We are insightful; and We are invested,” added Rogers-Tijerino. “To truly apply and live out all our core values, we knew a nationwide hiring event was the perfect opportunity to showcase our commitment to each job seeker and employer in our local markets."

The brand refresh and Job Fair come as Spherion continues to expand its footprint into key markets with a talented group of franchise owners. In the first quarter of 2021 alone, Spherion will begin serving four new U.S. regions for the company. Additionally, it has recently increased the markets it is targeting for growth to more than 100 open territories. Likewise, the company has recently advanced its corporate expertise to more effectively provide each Spherion owner the tools they need to best support local communities with recruitment, business development, public relations, and marketing resources. Plus, new workflows and technologies are being adopted to enhance the overall job searching process, which also benefits its client base. 

Spherion portrays the power of local through a network of independent and empowered franchise owners. The local owners enrich their communities through connecting and facilitating employment opportunities every day — and when they’re successful together, their investments flow back into the neighborhoods where they live and work. Backed by the drive and stability of the global leader in human resource services, Spherion is growing and evolving to tackle what is next for the emergent workforce. 

To find a Spherion office near you, visit https://www.spherion.com/salary/locations/



National Staffing Employee Week - Press Release