Healthy work relationships are foundational to your job satisfaction and long-term career success. While the workplace is full of people with differing personalities, perspectives and professional agendas, taking the initiative to build strong relationships with those around you will serve you well.

There are many benefits, both personal and professional, that come from fostering positive work relationships, such as:

Job satisfaction

Most of us spend 40+ hours a week with our coworkers. Positive work relationships will make your work day a little brighter and a little less stressful—and your job a lot more satisfying! According to the SHRM 2011 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement Survey, workers named relationships with their coworkers and their immediate supervisor as two of the top 10 most important contributors to job satisfaction.

Positive work environment

There is a positive energy among people that work well together. Instead of negativity and cynicism, there is an optimism and excitement about the everyday tasks and challenges set before them.

Sense of community

When your coworkers know you genuinely care about them as people, your job becomes less like a job and more like a community of people working together to achieve a common goal.

Higher productivity

The natural byproduct of greater connectivity is higher productivity. When relationships are valued, people are more apt to open up, share ideas, contribute to an initiative, and work together to resolve issues and meet business goals.

Career advancement

Those that take the time to foster work relationships will discover more opportunities for advancement and promotion come their way. Why? Because others like workingwith them. People skills will get your everywhere in your career!

So take the time to invest in work relationships. There is a lot to be gained by getting to know those around you!