About us

Spherion is a national recruiting and staffing enterprise that brings the power of local to you through a network of empowered franchise owners.

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What we do

Meet our 2024 Sandy Mazur Scholarship Winners!

We're committed to supporting the nation's future workforce. Since 2020, Spherion's Sandy Mazur Scholarship has assisted outstanding students who demonstrate academic and leadership excellence by funding their education at a post-secondary institution. This year, we're ecstatic to honor two superb students with $5,000 scholarships. Click on each tile to learn more about them.

*This data is based on 67 franchisees that were open and operating their businesses for at least one full year as of 12/31/23. Of these 67 franchisees, 18 of them (26.9%) surpassed the average annual sales stated above, and 18 of them (26.9%) surpassed the average annual gross profit stated above. Individual results may differ. There is no assurance that other franchisees will earn as much. Please review Item 19 of our April 29, 2024 FDD for more information. Some outlets have earned these amounts. Your individual results may differ. There is no assurance that you’ll earn as much.

This website and the franchise sales information on this website do not constitute an offer to sell a franchise. The offer of a franchise can only be made through the delivery of a franchise disclosure document. Certain states require that we register the franchise disclosure document in those states. The communications on this website are not directed by us to the residents of any of those states. Moreover, we will not offer or sell franchises in those states until we have registered the franchise (or obtained an applicable exemption from registration) and delivered the franchise disclosure document to the prospective franchisee in compliance with applicable law.